Friday, December 18, 2009

Finally ours!

We have had an amazing day. We picked Gus up around 10:00 am. We spent some time having him say good bye to his caregivers. Then we bundled him up in his bear suit (thanks Jodi) and his puppy hat (thanks Mary and Abby) and took a Taxi back to our hotel. Within a couple of minutes of being at our hotel the entire place was turned upside down with toys, diapers, and clothes. We let Gus explore a little and get a grip on his surroundings. Then we changed into our swim suits and took him for his first swim. He is a little fish, fits in with our family great. He loves the water and threw his first temper tantrum when it was time to get out. We then had a bath, he liked that as well and again tears when we got out. He had some lunch, very good eater and then settled down for an hour and a half nap, on the floor of course. He woke up happy, we played with toys some more ate a banana and got to know each other some more. Then Gus ate dinner and we took a short walk outside to look at the lights of the city and the Christmas lights. Now we are back at the hotel playing with toys and bonding. He is all smiles, easily consolable when sad, and loves to giggle. He loves to play with his tongue as well.

He does have a little bit of a runny nose right now so please pray that it does not turn into anything worse or make his ears sore on the plane. We will be home soon!


  1. Finally! Congratulations. We can not wait to meet your family of 3! So amazing.

  2. YAY!!! I thought I recognized the bear suit :) I can't wait to meet Gus and have been telling Oliver all morning about his new friend who likes to swim! (Oliver hasn't been yet, so we'll have to go) - he's very interested in Gus. And Jessica just can't wait to meet another "Cute baby!!". haha, I love it! We'll be praying for healthy and safe travels home - is there anything you need now that you've got him in your arms? Clothes a different size? Shoes? Let me know, we'd love to help if we can.

    So much love!!
    The Schaaps
