Thursday, September 10, 2009

Poor Baby

We just got word today that Gus has recently spent some time in the hopsital. We do not have all of the logistics of how long or for exactly what. We do know that he received some steroid treatments for breathing. He is back at Ilsan now and doing better. Please pray for his health right now that he remains healthy and he can stay out of the hospital. We did get another picture as well. He looks so grown up, it looks like it was mug shot from the hospital. Again not his typical smmiling face but not as grumpy as last time either. We are still waiting for final word from Korea and immigration. Please pray that we will hear something soon and be able to travel in the near future. I really don't want our little one to ever have to stay in the hospital again without his Mommy and Daddy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Emily, that breaks my heart. We're going to be praying big time in this family cause it's time for Gus to get home to his forever family.
