Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We are so READY!

Gus' room is officially finished. It looks great, Jason drew an amazing tree on the wall and everything else fell in place around the tree. His clothes and dishes are washed, I had a shower and got lots of lovely gifts. All of his toys are broken in thanks to all of the kids at our house on Friday night. We are very ready to get that travel call. Waiting is hard. As we walk past his room and dream of rocking him in the chair, tucking him into to bed and playing with the toys with him; I have been given a great image of what God must feel. He has prepared a room for each of us and is waiting to have us home in heaven. The Bible talks about Christ adopting us, what a beautiful image. Through salvation we have been adopted into a new family. Although this waiting time has been difficult and continues to challenge our patience, the spiritual growth that has come through it has been amazing. God's Timing is Perfect! Please continue to pray that we will receive that call soon, that we will hear back from the many grants that we applied for with good news, and that Gus remains healthy. Thanks for your continued support and love.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I always loved decorating the nursery, but you're right, waiting to fill it with a baby is the hardest part. Post some pics of your hard work! Praying that Gus can get cleared for "take off" soon!
